Friday, February 21, 2014

The Influencer

The Influencer

You are becoming a better leader. Why not inspire others to be better leaders as well.

Here are 7 things you need to get good being an influencer:

1.      Belief. You can only get others to believe in their dreams as much as you believe in yours. Real dreams become an integral part of you. Inspire others to chase their dreams as they see you chase yours.

2.      Attitude. Your attitude determines how well you do all that you do. Attitude truly determines your altitude. Inspire others to have an uplifting positive attitude and the see the attitude you show up with every day.

3.      Decisions. Your effectiveness is dependent on the quality of your thinking and the decisions you make.  Inspire others to make the right decisions as they see you make great decisions.

4.      Leadership. Leadership is always a two way street. Leadership is built on trust. The speed of trust determines the speed of growth in people, in organizations, and in businesses. Inspire others to decide to become leaders by leading them as your duty to restore a decaying society.

5.      Following. You can’t ask others to follow you until you are following yourself. Others will follow you when they see the results you have and they would like to have those results for themselves. People copy only 50% of what you do right and 100% of what you do wrong. Inspire others to be in the 50% group.

6.      Becoming. Leadership is all about becoming a better you every day in every way. Once you become a better you, you become part of all of those that come into your life. Inspire others to become more as they see you learning and growing.

7.      Vision. Completely blind are those who can see and have no vision. How good is it to see and have no vision? Vision is seeing with your mind where you are going. Inspire others to create a crystal clear vision by serving as the example of a visionary leader.

You can be part of the needed leadership revolution by sharing these nuggets with others.

We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give. Be a giver in a world of takers.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others.
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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