Friday, November 16, 2012


If life is a game, wouldn't it make sense to know the rules?

The template for living a great life is available to everyone. How come then so few bother to learn the rules of engagement, the rules of the game, to play fairly and squarely, and win at the end. We all ought to know our final destination, the end zone, and the model player we want to become.

1) We are all given a body to live in. Prevention is the best medicine. Accept and respect your body.

2) Life brings lessons to all of us. Have courage and take responsibility for life. Be open and graceful.

3) The lessons are disguised in our mistakes. The lessons are repeated until the lessons are learned. Be compassionate and forgiving.

4) Learning continues all the way to the end. Continuously learn and grow. Be aware and patient and your time will come.

5) We project ourselves into others. Others are mirrors of us. Tolerate and encourage others.

6) There is no better place than where we are. Wherever we go there we are. All the answers we need have the seeds buried inside of us. Have gratitude and an abundance mentality.

7) What we make of life is up to us. Think, “If it is up to be it is up to me.” Have courage to take responsibility for your life. All the power you need lies dormant inside you.

The above rules are easy to forget. Always be mindful since all the above is forgotten at birth. We all need to be reminded daily; it is like taking a shower! 
Do you know your destination and the model player you want to be?

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy) 

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