Sunday, September 16, 2012



Today we will explore the third trait of successful immigrants, honesty. My mother used to tell me when I was a kid that “mentiras tem pernas curtas”, the Portuguese for lies have short legs. Tell the truth that way we don’t have to remember what we have said in the past and the past will not come to haunt us in the future. Here are the 7 nuggets that wise immigrants display at a higher degree the born citizens. 

1) Wise immigrants know that honesty is the best policy anyone can have. They build the character and fortitude to become what they promise themselves.  They have strong loyalty to people and causes bigger than themselves.

2) They build a high level of trust in all their important relationships. They take the time to feed and nurture their friendships.

3) They live by a single code of ethics. They know that there are no such things as ethics at home and ethics in business; only ethics.

4) They honor their commitments so miracles can happen in their life. They live with expectancy of succeeding.

5) They know themselves better than anyone else. They have the courage to work on their imperfections. Change is not foreign but a friend to them. They know that their word is their bond and their bond is their word.

6) They have high respect and learn from their elders. They seek their advice in moments of need. They honor the Ten Commandments and give all the glory to God. The are courageous followers before they become leaders. Immigration happens in waves. The very courageous go first then others will follow.

7) They take the required time to be in silence and solitude to reflect on their past and make the proper adjustments to go to their bright future. They never forget the journey to the new world. They often go back the initial journey to get the courage needed to go forward.

Be blessed and a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx

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