Thursday, January 24, 2013

Words of Wisdom

The Wit and Wisdom of Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward is currently ranked the 6th most influential leader in the world. Orrin has depth and breadth of wisdom delivered with incredible teaching skills. He combines story telling packed with nuggets of wisdom. His brilliant mind and vision are truly amazing. One cannot listen to Orrin without being inspired to chase one’s dreams. Thank you, Orrin Woodward for creating the most powerful leadership development system in the world. Here are 7 nuggets Orrin shared in the last few days.

1) The limiting factor on your success is not the size of the obstacles, but the size of your dream!

2) Leaders don't correct people to success as much as believe them to it.

3) Access to information can free you when you apply it!

4)Thinking is the toughest kind of work which is why so many people avoid it.

5) People forget what you kept, but they will never forget what you gave.

6) There are no dead ends in life, only dead end thinking.

7) Lack o time cannot kill success, but lack of prioritization will.

I am looking forward to reading Orrin Woodward and Oliver DeMille’s next best seller book coming out on April 16, 2013 – Leadershift.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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