Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Entering a new economic age

Are you prepared for the new economic age?

Is there any safe and secure jobs anymore? Security today is no longer where it used to be. Security today is in the quality of our thinking and the speed of our learning and doing. Economic history teaches us that America has had the agrarian age, industrial age, corporate age, and information age. Each economic age released the workforce for the new age. The problem with the information age was that it did not create as many jobs. Many people failed to prepare to the new age as well. We are now entering a new age called the entrepreneurial community age. Those that fail to think and act like entrepreneurs will have a very difficult time in the new age. Entrepreneurs will dominate this new age. How can you prepare for this new age? Be prepared to work hard, work smart and delay gratification like entrepreneurs do. Here are 7 ways you can prepare to win big in the entrepreneurial community age.

1) Become a voracious reader of great books. Read broadly and deeply. Read with purpose and apply the nuggets you learn.

2) Listen to audios containing stories of successful entrepreneurs. The stories will open the fuel valve to turn your pilot light into a flame.

3) Associate with entrepreneurs by belonging to a community of likeminded people.

4) Build your own business that requires leadership skills to build teams of entrepreneurs. The only way to learn business is to build one. 

5) Learn fast from defeats and failures. Failure is never final until one quits.

6) Build a strong and true spirituality in you. Understand that greatness is polarizing. Ignore critics and listen only to those you admire and respect.

7) Become financially savvy by maximizing investments (in you first) and minimizing expenses.

Being lukewarm is a recipe for mediocrity and insignificance. Find a cause, chase it and you will leave a legacy. Be a great steward of your gifts and abilities. Entrepreneurs own the future because the created it; they spread truth and add value to people’s lives.
Have you thanked an entrepreneur lately?

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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