Thursday, January 31, 2013

The American Dream

Why is the American Dream becoming out of reach for so many Americans?

The American Dream is still available for anyone who so desires to live it. What keeps so many people from living their dreams? Here are 7 reasons why?

1) The dream is not clearly defined. How can we hit a target we don’t have? Do you have a detailed and written description of your dream? At least 95% of the people don’t have a written description of what they want out of their lives.

2) The dream is not a priority. The lack of focus leads to distractions and procrastinations. Ask yourself, what is the most important thing I want to accomplish in my life?

3) Poor handling of personal finance. The lack of understanding of money leads to lack of money, frustrations, and loss of hope and confidence in oneself.  Are you going to have any money if you think money is not important to you? Money is just a tool to do great things with.

4) Not investing in you. This is at the center of everything. The only education is a self-education. What percentage of your income are you investing in yourself? Five percent is a good point to start. Remember that from neck down we are all worth minimum wage. Ask yourself, am I better this year than last year? Compare yourself with yourself and not with anyone else. Become the best possible version of yourself.

5) Living by obligations and not by priorities. If priorities are not set, how can we protect our most valuable resource, our time? Don’t let your life be full of obligations. This is a big trap so many fall into.

6) Broken thinking. What system are you on? Where are you getting the truth from? Following a proven system leads to predictable results.  Do you have a scorecard for your life? Who are you taking advice from? Follow the advice of people with results in life you would like to have and associate with them.  The microwave thinking of quick fixes don’t fix anything. Have insatiable hunger and work to deserve living your dreams. The problem with the information age is too much information. Plug into the right system containing the right information and start applying it into your life.

7) Buried in debt. Don’t fall in the trap of mortgaging your future for instant gratification. Is interest working for or against you? Invest in assets instead liabilities. First work hard for money, then save and put the money to work for you. Make money your slave not your master.

Don’t let your circumstances distract you; turn them in your favor. Remember everything is created twice; first mental then physical creation. Never forget where your blessings come from! Tackle the 7 items above, one at a time, and you too can live the American Dream.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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