Thursday, January 17, 2013

What Are You Saying to Yourself?

How about stop listening to our negative self-talk?  Let's get rid off it! Why not start listening to the great messages from those with more results in life than ourselves? Here are 7 nuggets on how to get rid off the negative self-talk and worries and start living a productive life.

1) Stop listening to yourself. Yes, that is exactly what I mean. If we are not getting the results you expect out of our life it is likely we are acting on our own advice. Our frequent negative self-talk, conscious or subconscious, kills our belief. Imagine telling others what we tell ourselves?

2) Listen to the right people. Listen and act on the advice of those living the lifestyle you would like to live.

3) Apply what you learn. Knowing and not doing is not doing. I can only remind you of what you need to take action on. Do at least three things every day to move your life forward, in the direction of your dreams.

4) Keep a scorecard. What does your life scorecard say? Do at least as good a job knowing your life scorecard as you do the scorecard of your favorite sports team. I still know when Pele scored the 1,000th goal, where I was and what I was doing? Knowing that did not help me to live a better life.

5) Choose your associations. We the product of our associations. You heard the saying “Hang around dogs and you are likely to have fleas” If we want great attitude and character qualities why not hang around those who have them?

6) Choose what you read. Better yet, why not have those with the result you want choose the right books for you to read? The right books are the best source of information. Imagine buying someone life’s experience for the price of a meal. I just finished reading the book “Uncommon” by Tony Dunge. What an amazing book; completely filled with wisdom in so many areas of life.

7) Be faithful and diligent. When we are faithful in small things we are then entrusted with bigger things. When we define what we want in life, we get the right information, and then take action to achieve our dreams we become so uncommon. Be ready to accept criticism from those that are not willing to do what you are doing.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!

Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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