Wednesday, February 27, 2013


You can be more, do more, and have more!
Start by travelling more! 
Be the strategy for action!

Today's photo from Costa Rica is the courtesy of Roy Hunter.

He who says “I have no time to read books” has not learned how to prioritize his time.

Here is a triple dose of nuggets, just in case you missed them last week:
1)      Live your commitments and intentions even if they are difficult.
2)      Your attitude shapes the attitudes and the culture of your community.
3)      Provide a positive experience for those you serve.
4)      A team of thoughtful individuals committed to a worthy cause can change the world.
5)      Leverage the powerful creativity of the individuals in around you.
6)      Your daily choices must be consistent with your vision or you are just wishful thinker.
7)      People resist change; help them to overcome the resistance to change.
8)      Allow others to share their frustrations and you will help them remove their roadblocks.
9)      Help people give up their rights as victims and take responsibility for their lives.
10)  Help others be more instead of just keeping doing more of the same.
11)  Help your protégés grow by encouraging them to use their strengths.
12)  Help others reflect, reframe, and realign their priorities.
13)  Help others to look inwards to unleash their personal power.
14)  Help others to commit to being who they say they are.
15)  Help others to see that “if it is up to be it is up to me” and that all changes start with me.
16)  We have no one else to blame for our failures but ourselves; let’s give credit to others for our success.
17)  Have meaningful conversations with those you love.
18)  We can only change our reality by changing our thinking.
19)  Pick up edification of others; drop gossiping, immediately.
20)  There is no comfort in the safe life; the comfortable man achieves nothing of significance.
21)  Stop listening to your automatic negative self-talk.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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