Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Missing Opportunities

The modern world, full of knowledge and technology, brings us all with wonderful opportunities to live the lifestyle of our dreams. Opportunities do not usually look like opportunities at first and that’s why most people miss them. They seem to always come hidden by some sort of disguise or camouflage. It’s no wonder most people miss them time after time.

The price or pain of chasing any opportunity is worth it so we can life a life without the pain of regret.

1.      Cannot recognize. Most of us miss opportunities because they are dressed in overalls and look like work. It is our nature to want the most by doing the least.
2.      Are not prepared or this is the wrong time. Success comes when opportunity and preparedness meet face to face.
3.      Close mindedness or lack of due diligence. Either we assume we already know or we don’t want to make the effort to look into it.
4.      Are not looking. Why don’t stay open for other options during such fast faced environment? Why is it that people don’t want to give up the good to have the great? Dig your well before getting thirsty.
5.      Lack of a dream and/or a purpose. No dream or dread, no need to change. The lack of vision results in lack of hunger.
6.      Lack of faith and fear of change. The fear of failure keeps most people in the safe zone. Failure is a great thing if we learn from it. Change is as certain as taxes and death. Why be afraid if we know we all need to deal with it.
7.      Looking for security in the wrong places. Security is no longer in a job. Real security comes from within not without. Security comes from the quality of our thinking and the speed or our learning and doing.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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