Thursday, August 6, 2015

Free or in bondage?

7 Steps to Financial Freedom

Application of financial truth leads to financial freedom. What separates the financial free from those in financial bondage? 7 simple decisions. Follow the sequence and become financially free in any type of economic environment.
1.      Understand Money. Understand the playing field, the rules of money. We can never win the money game if we don’t understand the rules of the money game. 
2.      Invest in Yourself. We are the best asset we have. There is no other investment that will bring higher returns than investing in ourselves. Very few people understand the value of applying the three overriding principles of wealth creation: long term thinking, delayed gratification, and the power of compounding.
3.      Make Money. Skills and abilities allow you to make money. Diplomas and tittles are worthless when it comes to making money.
4.      Save Money. Spend less than you make or make more than you spend. Sounds simple yet most people violate this simple rule. Avoid debt like a plague.
5.      Give Money. Giving must always come before spending and investing. Financial free people have an abundance mentality and are big givers.
6.      Invest Money. Investments bring returns while expenses don’t. Leverage the power of compounding to achieve great returns over time.
7.      Spend Money. Most people spend money before they earn. It is called debt. Immediate or instant gratification leads to financial ruin. Develop the discipline to follow these 7 steps in sequence and you will be financially free.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.   

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

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