Tuesday, August 11, 2015

7 Principles to Success

7 Principles to Success

Success does not happen by default. Success has to be defined and pursued. Success looks different to everyone; failure looks the same. Failure is the inability to achieve one’s goals and dreams. Success comes true to those who are true to the principles of success.

1.     The vision principle. Vision provides direction to the destination.

2.     The communication principle. Purposeful and clear communication connects the right people.

3.     The solution principle. A mind focused on solutions is never intimidated by problems.

4.     The accountability principle. Those that are accountable are the ones to be relied on to get the job done.

5.     The understanding principle. The benefits that get understood get realized.

6.     The scorecard principle. What gets measured gets improved.

7.     The fast feedback principle. What gets rewarded gets attention.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.   

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."

"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Keys to a successful life


Success is a choice and it is not for everyone. Success comes to those who go on the offensive against the status quo. The current system is designed to enslave us by our own ignorance and comfort. Be a prodigious learner and worker. Learning is caught, not taught. I hope you can be inspired by the following nuggets.

1.      Goals setting. We only get what we set our minds to. We only get what we focus on. Our current education system does not teach us how to set goals. Know what you want clearly. Get the emotions wrapped up in goals and dreams not the activities or the work per se.
2.      Commitment. Commit to the goals. Know what you value the most. Focus on achieving them. Face the challenges and frustrations that come along the way.
3.      Integrity. Have the honesty to face the scorecard and change what needs changing. Don’t fight the truth. When we tell the same lies to ourselves over and over they become the truth we believe in.
4.      Game plan. If we don’t like to plan then a successful life is not is our cards. Have a plan and work the plan. The right actions come out of the right plans.

5.      Work ethic. Actions always come before blessings. Know what you want to accomplish. Take action and count your blessings. Never apologize to do the work. No matter how great ideas and plans are they need work to produce results.
6.      Attitude of gratitude. Have a positive attitude. Be open to new ideas even if they may seem odd at first. Look for opportunities to create stories.
7.      Consistently courageous. Go with what you got. Look for insights along the journey. Fearful people trust their fears by feeding them. Fear is the opportunity for courage. Become great at facing fears and making human connections along your life’s journey.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.   

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Free or in bondage?

7 Steps to Financial Freedom

Application of financial truth leads to financial freedom. What separates the financial free from those in financial bondage? 7 simple decisions. Follow the sequence and become financially free in any type of economic environment.
1.      Understand Money. Understand the playing field, the rules of money. We can never win the money game if we don’t understand the rules of the money game. 
2.      Invest in Yourself. We are the best asset we have. There is no other investment that will bring higher returns than investing in ourselves. Very few people understand the value of applying the three overriding principles of wealth creation: long term thinking, delayed gratification, and the power of compounding.
3.      Make Money. Skills and abilities allow you to make money. Diplomas and tittles are worthless when it comes to making money.
4.      Save Money. Spend less than you make or make more than you spend. Sounds simple yet most people violate this simple rule. Avoid debt like a plague.
5.      Give Money. Giving must always come before spending and investing. Financial free people have an abundance mentality and are big givers.
6.      Invest Money. Investments bring returns while expenses don’t. Leverage the power of compounding to achieve great returns over time.
7.      Spend Money. Most people spend money before they earn. It is called debt. Immediate or instant gratification leads to financial ruin. Develop the discipline to follow these 7 steps in sequence and you will be financially free.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.   

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Not Fair

Why we don’t have a perfect life?

How often do we hear that life isn’t fair?

Life is not fair and it isn’t meant to be. Here are 7 whys:

1.      Life would be boring. How would we experience the joys if we did not go through a healthy dose of suffering?
2.      We would not learn anything.  How could we learn anything without some pain?
3.      We would not experience life. How could we find humor in laughing from our past?
4.      We would not enjoy living. Can you imagine a life flat life without peaks and valleys?
5.      We have to earn our privileges. Do we really value what we don’t earn?
6.      We would all be equals. Can you imagine a world of equals?
7.      We would not appreciate love. Can you imagine living without love when we least deserve it?

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.   

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

Monday, August 3, 2015



The day we find our purpose, the reason we were born, is the first day we really start living our lives.

Here are the 7 Ps of Purpose:
1.      Passion. Our passions lie somewhere in between what we love and what we hate. Our passions give us energy to do great things in life. What are you deeply passionate about?
2.      Potential. We all have gifts and abilities buried inside us. Take the time to dig in and find out what you are uniquely designed to do. What can you be the best at?
3.      Profit. Our profits come from what we are deeply passionate about and from continuously developing our potential. We all need to be productive and generate an income to live. Money is a by-product of living our passions and potential. What is your economic engine?
4.      Prosper. We are all in this world to prosper. In order to prosper we need the help of other people and other people help us. Find the environment where you can get assistance. Find the right community (common unity) where you can help and be helped. People will follow people with a purpose. What marks are you going to leave in the world that will continue after you are gone?
5.      Planning. Proper planning produces predictable performance. Plan on being successful but expect setbacks. Develop thick skin when you meet opposition or feel threatened. Be aware of distractions along your journey. What activities give you the required energy necessary to live your purpose and leave a legacy?
6.      Performance. We all need a scorecard to measure our results against. There will be times when you fall. Get up and look at the scoreboard. Make the proper adjustment and keep going. Great things only come to those willing to keep score.  What scorecard are you using to measure your performance?
7.      Perseverance. Believe your purpose is a worthy one and deserves your utmost efforts. Nothing takes place of persistence. We must develop thick skin to persevere when faced with obstacles or rejections. Have the attitude that you will do it anyway because that is what you were born to do. We all have to work so we might work at something meaningful. Do the right thing no matter what. How persistent and consistent are you in the pursuit of your purpose?

You were born to do something purposeful and meaningful. Find your purpose and give it all you got to live it!

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.   

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."

"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why are we carrying them?

Buying excuses

When we buy our own excuses we get to keep them!

1.      Excuses are ways to explain poor performance.
2.      Excuses are attempts to release us from our duties.
3.      When we deal with truth we don’t need to make excuses.
4.      We make excuses to avoid dealing with the consequences.
5.      We believe lies because dealing with truth requires change.
6.      Someday becomes a day when we put a date in our calendars.
7.      Excuses are distractions preventing us from achieving our goals.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.   

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."