Monday, September 10, 2018

The Right Destination

Where are you going?

If we don’t know where we are going, chances are we are already there, a place we may be stuck and therefore dislike.
1.       Destination. Have you ever stop to think on how you got where you are in life? Do you know where you want to go? Is that destination whispering at you bugging you all the time? Well, if the answers are NO, then you are already there, a place you may not like. If the answer is YES, then being the best at what you are doing, will you get where you want to go in life? Can you get all your dreams doing what you are doing? If not, then you have a decision to make.
2.       Decision. Are you taking the path that is least popular? Are you financial literate? Do you think and act as an entrepreneur? Are you getting better every day in every way? If the answer is NO, then you could be headed to the wrong place. We can only course correct if we are on the right path and moving. The right path is the one that can take you where you want to go. Indecision is often a bad decision.
3.       Focus. Are you like the crowd and highly distracted? Area you living by your priorities instead of your obligations? If Yes, then you are headed in the wrong direction and may think of changing where you are headed. Plan and prioritize your life. The smart phones are making most people dumb. Use your smart phone to get smart, to get educated, to build a business. You cannot go back and change the beginning of your life, but you can choose a new ending. All ends should allow you to be wiser and more generous. Leverage technology instead of letting technology to leverage you.
4.       Action. Now you are ready to take massive action towards your destination, your dreams. Consistent action is the big secret of success in any field of endeavor. There is nothing that will resist the consistent right thinking followed by the right actions. Even a rock will erode over time being hit by water.
5.       Inertia. Get moving. Never mind all the critics. The world is full of critics. Turn criticism into positive energy to get you moving in the right direction. The only critic that can stop you is the one living inside you. Be sure to starve the bad one and only feed the right one, the one that says you are a champion.
6.       Journey. Learn to love the journey. Area you just getting by, dreading going to work? Have you forgotten to have fun? Have you forgotten to learn and to love the work you do? If your answer is YES. Then it is time to practice some creative leisure. Substitute entertainment for fun, real leisure. Substitute the daily grind for something that will allow you to learn and grow. Learn to work by working hard at first, then work smart by leveraging a learning system.
7.       Serve. No one succeeds on their own. Lasting success is only achieved by helping others to succeed. Help others get what they want and you will have all that you want. Serve is the privilege of the great. Be a servant leader that attracts great talent.

Do you know where you are going? Share it!

Carlos Fontana
Financial and Leadership Coach
(Get out of debt, make more money, pay less taxes)

"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust"
"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious"
“Managers influence numbers, leaders influence people by inspiring them to pursue excellence”

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