Thursday, August 16, 2018


What Motivates you?


What is motivation? Motivation is the sum of our motives. It is a reason or reasons for acting or behaving a certain way to achieve something. All of us need motivation (motives) to do anything. Motivation is like attitude, we need a healthy dose of it daily, like taking a shower 😊 

Where does motivation come from? It comes from our inner being, sources inside us.
Where do I go to get my motivation? Read bellow.

Motivation comes from within us, from our inner desire to achieve something. The world has a lot more unmotivated than lazy people. If you expect others to motivate you, be aware, others will soon realize they have the wrong you. No one can motivate you but yourself. There is a massive industry called motivation, where businesses spend or waste away billions to motivate their people. Motivation done by anyone but yourself does not work. The responsibility for motivation is 100% yours. Many swamps are being drained and it not a good time to be one of the unmotivated alligator :) :) 

Get some motivation for yourself so you too can live the life you always wanted to live.

1.     Dreams. When I was young my dream was to fly in a Jet airplane. Boy have I done that. Millions and millions of miles around the world. I had the dream to come to America and learn the English language. Then came the dream of being a writer and publish books. Than to be a public speaker, to grace the stages, where other great speakers have been. The dream to create many stories in life and live long enough to share them with you. I will never live another day without a dream, many dreams.

2.     Creation or Invention. The adventure to be there first, to create something new, to chart new territories. I love writing because I can crystalize my thoughts and expand them. All these things provide me with motivation. I guess I have a little of the Indiana Jones spirit in me. God has protected me over so many adventures and dangerous situations, and that is why I keep doing what I do. The last decade has been a challenging and at the same time an exhilarating journey.

3.     Resistance or Rejection. Rejection provides me with the energy to achieve more. When I meet resistance, I know I am on the right path. Nothing great can ever be achieved if first it is not met with resistance, opposition and rejection. Amazing the amount of resistance that is met when one works with financial literacy. People resist changing a situation they are trapped in, a situation they put themselves in. Voluntary slavery is difficult to eliminate.

4.     Hunger. Have the hunger to get better, to overcome, to achieve great things in life. My hunger comes from my desire, my dreams, the things that are important to me and to those around me. Hunger is difficult to create in others. Hunger must be self-induced. No one can place hunger inside you.

5.     Material Things.  Have my dream home in the country was a great motivation for me. Have the financial means to travel around the world was another. Have the financial freedom to own my time so I can read, write, listen, and associate with the right people. Have the material things to help others.

6.     Recognition and Respect. A strong motivation for me is to be recognized and respected by those I care and respect the most, my children and grandchildren, my parents, my family, my friends, my associates, my customers and my clients. Having financial freedom to use my time and resources to make a positive impact in this world.

7.     Legacy. This is the strongest level of motivation. Leaving a legacy has a powerful pull on us. What do we want to be remembered by? I want to be remembered as a person who lived fully, who chased many dreams, who travelled the world learning everywhere I went. I want to be remembered as someone who shared what he learned through writing, public speaking, and conversations everywhere I went. Above all, I want to be remembered by my children as a great dad and friend.

Where to you go to get your motivation? Share it!

Carlos Fontana
Financial and Leadership Coach
(Get out of debt, make more money, pay less taxes)

"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust"
"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious"
“Managers influence numbers, leaders influence people by inspiring them to pursue excellence”

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