Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Sick of Failing?

Success looks different to everyone; failure is the same, the inability to reach the goals and dreams.

Are you feeling like a failure?
Feeling like you can’t get to where you want to go?
Are you distracted or taking many detours to your destination?
Wondering why you got off course, meandering or derailed through life?

Here are 7 reasons why and how we can deal with it today:

1.     We lack a clear destination. Only the minority has a clear destination. Because we don’t know exactly where we want to go anywhere is fine. We lack the why, a strong reason to accomplish something. We lack either a dream or a dread to get out of our current reality. We lack a clear purpose.

2.     We lack belief. We don’t have enough faith, total belief. Our decisions and actions are fully rooted in our belief system. Change your beliefs and you change your life. Belief comes first and it is the first component of true faith. We must believe to see, see to do, do to improve, and improve to succeed.

3.     We lack the right process/system. We must have a plan and a process to follow. Following the footsteps of successful people is the quickest route to where we want to go. Things just don’t happen by themselves. The best process to follow is the PDCA (plan, do, check, and adjust). Planning and doing are a lot more fun and more common than checking and adjusting. Checking the scorecard and making the proper adjustments are key to get to the destination.

4.     We lack total commitment. We must take full responsibility, total ownership. Total ownership breaths courage, resilience, and the ingenuity to navigate the turbulent world and reach the destination. We must sell out to our mission and vision. We must have integrity with ourselves and the courage to act. Burn the boat so you cannot go back to where you came from. Plans B and C are the killers of commitment.

5.     We compromise and settle. We get distracted. We procrastinate. When we don’t have items 1-4 the world will conspire against us and when we do the world will conspire for us. The ability to stay focused, with the eye on the prize, the end in mind is the key to stay the course.

6.     We make excuses and rationalize. We tell rational lies to ourselves, justify, and compromise why we are not getting the results we set ourselves up to achieve. You can make a million excuses or you can make incremental progress, you just can’t do both. This happens because we lack of items 1-4.

7.     We quit. We quit on everything these days. We buy into the lie that winning will be easy. Quitting is a permanent solution to temporary problems. Quitter never win and winners never quit. When things get tough the tough gets energized and gets things done. This happens because we lack items 1-6.

Share the thoughts with a friend and step up your level of commitment to what matters most to you!

Carlos Fontana
Financial and Leadership Coach
(Get out of debt, make more money, pay less taxes)

"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust"
"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious"
“Managers influence numbers, leaders influence people by inspiring them to pursue excellence”

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