Thursday, September 20, 2018

Dealing with Darkness

Getting Out of Darkness

We are definitely in a dark age again. What is the dark age? Why are we back in the dark age?  How can we get out of it? What do we do to get out and stay out of it?

The dark age is a period when mediocrity rules. It is a time when the world is full of zombies numbly going through life without really living it with full expectation that the world must provide a living for them. It is a time of great division when the focus is on two groups of people, the bad ones and the good ones. Both are hated, persecuted and killed; sadly, by the mediocre ones. The majority survives by playing safe, going through the daily grind. The majority live a life of quiet desperation, going to their graves without admitting and wisely dealing with their suffering and pain. The world created, we bought into it, and we adopted the wrong models and idols to live our lives. Our subconscious minds have been badly programmed without our noticing.

Somehow, we think that by following the popular individuals we can live the ideal life. In reality, many live a fake life. Yes, it is true, the world is full of falseness, fake news, fake science, fake advertising, lots and lots of fake things. Folks are confused. Another sign of dark times is when the con artists rule the day. Truth is the least common currency around the world today. Most of what we know is no longer true; we have been led to believe it is. Common sense is no longer common. Example, get into debt to establish credit and financing things we don’t need to have a high credit score.

We are in the dark age because we bought into the big lie. The lie that we can and should go through life without suffering, pain, and periods of darkness. We stay there when we refuse to accept it, live in denial, and fail to learn how to get and stay out of it. Technology has a lot to do with it and it has accelerated the race into darkness. The smart phones are making people less smart, more dependable, less self-reliant, and unable to deal with all the nonsense thrown at us. Technology gave birth to a vicious and superficial social media portrays how wonderful things are when in reality more and more people are getting deep into the darkness.

We go to great lengths to protect our children from experiencing suffering and pain, thinking that this is a must in the modern age. Life is going to hit everyone with suffering and pain and the key is to learn how to deal with it; the younger the better. Many believe that technology is here to prevent suffering because suffering is socially unacceptable. We end up consuming an enormous number and quantity of drugs (legal and illegal) to deal with the blows from life we did not learn how to deal with.

We must learn to survive the trials of life. We must become resilient and self-reliant by learning how to deal with adversity. Adversity is everywhere when we deal with neurotic people, from friends, bosses, family, church, and community members. We must understand that those we respect, trust, and love will sooner or later fail us, they are humans, imperfect beings.

Know that it is in the darkness that you will find and value the light needed to live a more fruitful life. Here is what we do to get out and stay out of DARKNESS:

D=Discernment, A=Awareness, R=Renewal, K=Knowledge, N=Notice, E=Engage, S=Silence, S=Solitude

1.      Discernment. Know the truth and live by it. Know how to defend what you believe in. Know who you are and understand your vulnerabilities. Understand and prepare for suffering and pain. Know how to prevent the downward spirals. Know your biorhythms and use them in your favor. Learn to manage your energy level along with your time.

2.      Awareness. Be aware of the big lie you bought into and get over it.  Watch out for self-destructive behaviors. Get rid of resentment. Don’t go to petty parties or resentment reunions. Know that if you want love you must give love and be willing to lose love. Know that others will fail you. Know that whatever you are going through at the moment will pass.

3.      Renewal. Unplug from the system keeping you in mediocrity. Unlearn, relearn relentlessly. Plug into to right self-education system. Get the right information from the right sources. Read the right books. Become a writer. Pick the right friends, coaches, and mentors. Renew your mind. Grow and expand your ability to deal with the blows of life. Build resilience to deal with any adversity.

4.      Knowledge. Apply critical knowledge to deal with the nastiness and evil in the world. Prevent the wars between your better educated conscious mind and the badly programmed subconscious mind. Learn to reprogram your subconscious mind. Know these wars do come and attempt to distract you. Unplug from the mediocre world of social media. Develop the right habits.

5.      Notice. Be a prodigious noticer and see the obvious. Notice the signs and do not engage in battles that are not worth fighting. You do not have to participate in every battle or conflict you are invited to. Be on the alert that evil is present everywhere by evil, ignorant, stupid, clever, and good people alike. Notice when you are about to make critical mistakes. Use both your logical and emotional minds to make better decisions.

6.      Engagement. Engage in the right battles, the battles where the victories will be celebrated in the afterlife. Engage in behaviors that result in the right type of security. Security is not where you think it is. This world will not provide any kind of security whatsoever. Engage in the creation of treasures that will last into eternity.

7.      Silence. Get some quietness into your life. Unplug from all the noise. Conduct some mental hygiene. Spend time in and with nature. Travel to places that can re-energize you. This is easier than you think. Be aware others will think you are crazy.

8.      Solitude. Develop the ability to go for days in complete solitude. Praying, thinking, meditating, and expanding your ability to deal with a dark world. This will help you be calm and collected under any and all situations. Learn to rise above the problems you created and those you want to solve. Be aware others think you are crazy for sure!

Did you found the above helpful? 
Be blessed and be a blessing to others.
Carlos Fontana
Financial and Leadership Coach
(Get out of debt, make more money, pay less taxes)

"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust"
"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious"
“Managers influence numbers, leaders influence people by inspiring them to pursue excellence”

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