Monday, October 15, 2018


Where does happiness come from?
How can happiness be attained and kept?
Happiness is an inside job. Happiness is a byproduct of a virtuous journey in a spiritual transformation. The two happiest days of our lives are the day we consciously start and the day we finish our journey. Unhappiness comes from living an empty life, a life without meaning. We live in a culture seeking happiness from worldly entertainment, not realizing the pursuit of such pleasures bring only restlessness and misery. Pleasure is of the body. Joy is of the mind and the heart.
No one else can go on the happiness journey for us. 

Happiness comes from schooling our souls the nobility of stellar character. We must strive for it, making the changes in ourselves necessary to attain happiness. Be aware that many many people will test your resolve, often times to the limit. From happiness we can go for joy, and then, achieve the peace we all want. True peace is only possible we become living models of the right principles and place duty above rights. The happiness journey requires the uniting or our minds, our hearts, and our wills simultaneously. Here is what it takes to attain happiness. Happy people have these 7 traits present in their daily lives. 

Why don’t you resolve to go on the happiness journey by resolving to develop and adhere to these 7 habits? This is like a mini manual or plan for you to pursue happiness.
1.   Faith.
ü  Belief in a better future and behave accordingly. Belong to a higher power. Pray.
ü  Ditch worries. Worry is wasted energy anyway.
ü  Have a positive outlook on life. Have a healthy spiritual life.
2.   Work.
ü  Doing meaningful and productive work. Doing what you absolutely love to do.
ü  Fulfilling the purpose and cause greater than oneself. Do it with all your might.
ü  Performing a variety of tasks, from menial to critical. Work on self above all else.

3.   Health.
ü  Walk, move, exercise. Mental hygiene too.
ü  Eat healthy, caring for the body. Plenty of water. No vices.
ü  Proper amount of rest. Proper sleep; naps are great!

4.   Patience.
ü  Have a long-term perspective. Focus on eternal vs temporal things.
ü  Focus on the important vs the urgent. On guard for distractions.
ü  No busyness for the sake of it. No time for drama or petty parties; nature instead.
5.   Wonder.
ü  Take time to think and reflect. Take time to learn (read, listen, associate).
ü  Take time to wonder the marvel of all creation. Limit news and Facebook😊
ü  Take time for appreciating all the blessings. Internal and external to ourselves.

6.   Love.
ü  Express love to all those who deserve it. It is easy to love the lovable.
ü  Express love to those who do not deserve it too. This will test what love really is.
ü  Serve those in need. Share time and treasures. Love never gets out of date.

7.   Generosity.
ü  Be a giver in a world of takers. Practice sacrificial giving.
ü  Count the blessings often for they are many. Blessings grow by counting them.
ü  Be thankful for all the blessings. Live in thankfulness.
Happiness is an attitude, a state of mind attainable by anyone who is willing to go on a journey full of struggles and victories. Happiness is not something we are entitled to. We all have the freedom to seek happiness no matter what our circumstances. Each one of us can do all the things listed above. Simple, yet not easy. If it was easy there would be a lot less miserable, depressed, and sad people in this world.
Carlos Fontana
Financial and Leadership Coach
Get out of debt, make more money, pay less taxes
Be the leader you want to see in the world

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