Sunday, December 15, 2019



7 uncommon things a bold government leader does that are necessary to deal with widespread government corruption. Resistance, strong opposition, and even violence are expected with every move and every action taken.

1.      Makes bold promises. Using bold language to constantly paint pictures of a much better future where everyone’s lives are better by making the country great again and keeping it that way. This is something totally unusual as professional politicians don’t really want to solve the problems, just perpetuating and making the problems bigger and bigger. The promises are blatant attacks to the status quo.  This is done to flush out those in the deep state that don’t go along with the new leadership decisions and actions. The alligators get angry and the rats go cardiac.

2.      Exposes the establishment. Exposing those individuals that have been in power for a long time since they are fully responsible to the stagnation and corruption. Most problems facing the government and the country were created by professional politicians. Corruption has been there for a very long time. Mr. Smith went to Washington is a classical movie that depicts how difficult it is to make real changes in government. Trump goes to Washington is the real thing and few accept really for what it is. The scare tactics and apocalyptic scenarios of the opposition no longer work. The exposures include not only the corrupt politicians but also the rats and moles, often disguised as whistle blower. This is key so the alligators and sharks go on the offensive and we get to know who they are.

3.      Uses harsh language. A great communicator that communicates directly with the people. The harsh language is often necessary to highlight and call to attention the wrong that has been going on for a long time. The simple yet effective communication style is directed towards the hypocrite opposition, the entrenched deep state that feels entitled to keep things the way they are. The language is full of truth that hypocrites hate to hear. Leave the kind language to Mr. Smith and Mr. Rogers. Yes, the system ate up Mr. Smith. The sissies whine, complain and condemn as they see that their neighborhood will never be the same. The truth is not popular but it is the greatest weapon to set the captives free.

4.      Creates a cult like following. Public opinion and support are critical yet bold leaders stand for what is right not popular. The leader has the ability to connect with a wide range of people, from the well-educated to the outcasts. Earns loyalty from those that take the time to know what it takes to get things done. More and more people join the community as they wake up, smell the rats and enjoy the chase. The common working and productive person feel she finally has a voice and someone is listening. When given a choice more people choose to be part of a cult instead of the mob.

5.      Is unconventional and unpredictable. Raises hell with the establishment and the media in ways they cannot deal with or predict what will happen next. Having mastered flexibility and adaptability from a lifetime of accumulated experiences in business gives the leader an edge to deal with a multitude of complex issues. How refreshing to have a leader who can cut through the red tape, the BS, and get to the real problems and be surrounded by like-minded people to provide lasting solutions. The methods and techniques are constantly changing but the principles never change. The rats hate when someone moves their cheese and they become aggressive when their cheese is completely taken out of their diet.  People respect and admire boldness when the leader is all in and expects nothing in return.

6.      Does not need money, fame or power. Has money, fame and power and knows how to use them. Political correctness is not part any communication. Has no need for personal gains. This empowers the leader to create a community of followers with the right culture and the culture produces the results and everyone shines. The establishment is jealous, envious and feel the only thing left is to continuously attack the character of the leader. The opposition is not smart enough to realize that criticizing the leader is the same as criticizing the followers. Armed with the truth the leader can let the chips fall where they may. The leader has the ability to hire and fire, no strings attached.  The right motives empower the bold leader.

7.      Delivers on promises. Follows through despite continuous resistance and opposition. This turns upside down all the rules of conduct for the establishment. While the establishment is engulfed in removing the leader, they are at least no hindering the actions that produce great results. As the positive results start to compound, the opposition goes crazy and starts to attack the character, the common thing to do. The hardest thing in life is to explain the lack of results. Great results speak for themselves. For carrying the mission and vision of making everyone's life better, the leader faces violent opposition and persecution. The bold leadership is shaking the country and the world in unpredictable ways creating a new model for many other nations to follow. Brazil and Britain are just a couple  of examples, where conservatives are in control. The big risk to this bold leadership in government is the deep state will do anything and everything to remove the leader. Opposition can become violent and the deep state, the entrenched mob will do everything to prevent the bold leader to prevail. Amazing how clear things become. No wonder so many are moving to the right camp.

Dr. Carlos Fontana, Financial and Leadership Coach

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nuggets to get you thinking

1.       Who is going to be right at the end of your story. You or your critics? I hope it is you!

2.       When you feel the circumstances are holding you back or even crushing you, don’t wait for them to change, change your perspective and raise your expectations. In life we don’t get what we deserve, we get what we expect.

3.       If everybody is doing something, it is likely the wrong thing to be doing. The life we always wanted is a life without the need for vacations; however, be aware that life will never come without struggles. Be grateful for the struggles you are going through now. Never forget that we have to give up the good in order to have the great.

4.       There will be a time, a point in your life when those around you want you to quit, when something inside want you to quit too. When you get to that point, keep going. The easy way out is tempting and convenient; the hard way is to stick to the end. Everything you are going through is there because of you expected. Uncomfortable at the present makes it very funny in the future.

5.       Most people’s lives are like a boat in the middle of the ocean with a destination, without a sail and a rudder. Have a purpose and everything will change. If you feel overwhelmed, get a bigger dream.

6.       Learning and not applying leads to knowledge constipation! Improve the quality of your thinking, have real dreams, create positive habits, and expect and embrace obstacles and struggles. Mental toughness is a must on any road to greatness!

7.       At any moment you can make the crucial decision to improve your life forever. However, get the vaccine for excusitis, the anti-success disease.
             Go forth and do great things with your life.
             Be blessed then be a blessing to others
             Carlos Fontana

Monday, September 23, 2019

Excellence is predictable and so is mediocrity

Excellence is predictable and so is mediocrity

1)      We don’t invest time with our real friends yet we spend time with our social media friends.
2)      We don’t invest time planning our lives yet we spend time planning frivolous entertainment.
3)      We don’t invest time reading the right books yet we spend time consuming fake news.
4)      We don’t invest time with mentors yet we spend time hanging around the wrong people.
5)      We don’t invest money in ourselves yet we spend money to impress people we don’t like.
6)      We don’t invest money in assets yet we spend money in all sorts of liabilities.
7)      We don’t have money to invest in healthy relationships yet we spend money to show others we are successful.
8)      We don’t invest time to stay healthy yet we spend time on destroying our physical and mental health.

As it as simple as making the choice and sticking to it!
Carlos Fontana

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Who Are Privileged?


Privilege has no color, no race, no religion, no gender, no state, no region and no nation.

Privilege is earned!

To those projecting their privilege onto others, privilege is disguised in overalls and looks like work. Privilege is not what the whiners, complainers and protesters want you to know. Their hypocrisy and mediocrity are blatant to anyone who knows what privilege really is. So, who is really privileged? To whom does privilege go to?

1.      Serving others. Privilege goes to those who serve and not to those who want to be served.
2.      Working. Privilege goes to those who work diligently hard, smart and over time and not to the slackers.
3.     Faith. Privilege goes to those with unwavering faith in a better future grounded in the brutal reality and not to the doubters.
4.      Caring. Privilege goes to those who take care of their bodies as sacred temples by providing the right nourishment to their bodies and minds along with proper amounts of exercise and rest and not to those who relinquish responsibility to take care for themselves.
5.      Investing. Privilege goes to those who invest heavily in their most valuable resource, their brains and not to those that leave their brains unguarded for someone else to program.
6.      Learning. Privilege goes to the voracious learners who read intentionally, listen, and associate with the right people and not to those who crave for entertainment continuously.
7.      Giving. Privilege goes to those who know and act on the belief that the future belongs to the givers and not the takers.
8.      Counting. Privilege goes to those who count their blessings for they are many and not to those always craving to take away from others.
9.      Mental fitness. Privilege goes to those who are mentally fit to deal with whatever comes at them and not to those who cry and crumble under pressure.
10.  Leadership. Privilege goes to those with a clear vision to leave a legacy of a better world for future generations and not to those whose negativity never accomplishes anything.
11.  Choice. Privilege goes to those who choose the harder life early on to develop the resilience needed to deal with the cynics and critics so others can have a chance to be privileged and not to those whose whining is so loud we can't hear what their saying.
12.  Opportunity. Privilege goes to those who choose to believe to see and pursue opportunities before they become obvious and not to those who want to see to believe.
13.  Action. Privilege goes to those who take swift action in an uncertain and changing world and not to those paralyzed by fear, negativity and inability to act.
14. Blessing. Privilege goes to those who feel blessed then become a blessing to others and not to those that are a curse to others.
How many of the 14 did you check YES? 

Next time you hear about privilege, think and study the above, before spreading misinformation and broken thinking of those who are envious of the truly privileged souls.

Carlos Fontana

Friday, August 30, 2019

From alligators to dinosaurs

No wonder the alligators are so angry!

What did we expect? Government as usual? We elected a business man to run the government bureaucracy. Of course, things would, are, and will continue to change the way the government enterprise is run.

Are we insane expecting that the old highly ineffective and corrupt system would not change? Those of us that elected Trump are not surprised at all by his behavior as president. Trump is a character with character. Character is equal integrity times courage. Few individuals have both components of character. Integrity is doing what you say you are going to do. It takes enormous courage to take on the government establishment and the supporting media which has misled the country for so many years. 

History will write that Trump as one of the greatest presidents in history. He is very controversial and that is precisely why he is effective in exposing and tackling the big problems in government. Leadership is polarizing and Trump is displaying his character in motion in everything he says and does. He has a way of doing things that absolutely leaves his opponents breathing the dust. The alligators, in the media swamp in particular, don’t like it, they hate him! and that is why they are so angry. They don’t like to be exposed!

Running a government like a business is so foreign to the political system that most career politicians are also very angry and completely lost like a city kid trying to survive in the Amazon jungle. It is about time someone running the American Government thinks and behaves likes a business person. The American government is the largest enterprise in the world, $4.4 trillion. It has been run by career politicians that are completely illiterate about business, economics, and finance for over half a century.

The question to ask is – why did it take so long for Americans to wake up?
We the people must hold the government accountable for results and as we do the employees working in our businesses. 

Here are the 7 critical ways to drain a swamp and force the alligators scramble to figure out how to survive in this new reality. Those that get it will prosper, those that don’t will go with the dinosaurs. The critical changes needed are:

1.     Go from aristocracy and position to meritocracy and distinction.
2.     Go from popularity and mediocrity to influence and wisdom.
3.     Go from equality and giveaways to opportunity and incentives.
4.     Go from credentialism and careers to skills and abilities.
5.     Go from dependence and promises to self-reliance and rewards.
6.     Go from stagnation and decay to creation and innovation.
7.     Go from slavery and misery to freedom and prosperity.

Let’s see who has the guts to share this post to make the a few more alligators angry?

Carlos Fontana

Friday, August 23, 2019

How far can they go?

The Democratic Party has gone so far to the left that it is falling of the cliff. The party has gone from the sky is falling to a doomsday cult party. Their members draw comfort from an apocalyptic view that proclaims the world is ending because of the conservatives. Imagine that! The conservatives are responsible for nonsense things like climate change. The climate has been and will continue to change. The love the last one where the Amazon is burning. Here is a little truth. The amazing burns every August and it has been doing it for thousands of years. The burning is part of natural cycle. I have been going there for 40 years. Now, the conservative president of Brazil is responsible for setting the Amazon on fire! The liberals and conservatives have diverged enormously in the last decade. To me it is crystal clear now which party is better to be associated with.

The liberals promise while the conservatives deliver
The liberals talk aloud while the conservatives quietly do 
The liberals seek applause while the conservatives seek contributions 
The liberals demand their rights while conservatives take responsibility 
The liberals focus on problems while the conservatives focus on solutions 
The liberals protest and occupy for equality while the conservatives thrive on opportunity
The liberals go for entitlements while the conservatives go for distinction based on merits 
The liberals criticize, complain and condemn while the conservatives accept, approve and appreciate 
The liberals see the world through victim lenses while the conservatives see the world through producer lenses
The liberals see their future smaller than the past while the conservatives see their future greater than their past

Carlos Fontana

Monday, August 5, 2019

Who are the real villains?

The Villains Are Within Our Nation
Who are they? How to identify them?
1.       They are wolves disguised as sheepdogs
2.       They work hard to feed self-doubt in us
3.       They work hard in the cover of darkness
4.       They are sneaky in creating dependence in us
5.       They scream pessimism continuously
6.       They are toxic people that incite anger in us
7.       Their toxicity is to rob our confidence
How to flush them out? How to get rid of them?
1.       We change lenses so we can recognize them
2.       We expose the parasites
3.       We quit feeding them
4.       We put the right armor for protection
5.       We never take their advice
6.       We seek advice from real sheepdogs
7.       We switch channels and leave the plantation

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Uncommonly Great President

Trump – The Uncommon President

Why is Trump is so hated by his political opponents?

He is completely exposing the bloated, inefficient, bureaucratic political establishment, the ones on the left in particular. All the left cares about is themselves. Hypocrisy at its best! He exposed the lies from the leftist media. He does not care about being cool or liked, as no real leader should.

The cowboy leader showed up at the right time and took advantage of the opportunity to become president and proved the political experts completely wrong. He is not concerned about what others say about him, as any great leader knows that what others say is none of your business. He is going where no other presidents were willing to go, to uncharted territories.

He thrives under opposition, resistance, and even chaos. While the opposition keeps the political circus running, he is getting things done, being uncommonly good at tackling difficult problems and situations. In a way, the damage the left can do to the country is contained as long as they keep attacking his character and his unusual style of leading the nation.

Trump has been able to address hot political issues that politicians have been dancing around for a long time. He has demonstrated enormous courage to tackle immigration, the weak economy, foreign trade, foreign affairs and taxation and regulations to improve American competitiveness. He is a president going on the offensive and getting a lot done in the midst of unprecedented desire by his opponents to remove him from the office, since day one.

The democratic goons are all out there watching every move he makes, trying to get him, yet he is outmaneuvering them all.  His ego is bigger than our country. Why not allow his ego work for the benefit of all Americans? So, what if Trump is performing for himself, for his ego. The great thing is that when he wins, everyone wins and all benefits from his victories.

He is a no-nonsense leader, called for such times, using his gut instincts to make great deals or make no deal at all. Yes, he is making America great again, just as he promised, leaving his opposition and naysayers with indigestion for having to eat the words and the fun they all made of him during his 2016 campaign.

So, what characterizes this unusual president? Here are 7 things that liberals despise:

1.      Results. In less than 2.5 years he has certainly been a great captain for the American ship. Economic indicators are all pointing in the right direction. He has been a great economic psychologist.  He took office fast and furious and quickly altered the mood of business and Wall Street. The most difficult thing is to explain the lack of results.
2.      Decisiveness. How refreshing to have the president make many quick decisions, from hiring to firing. This is so different from the typical political analysis paralysis that big government is known for. He certainly can made decisions, often gut-wrenching ones, that will benefit the nation many for years to come.
3.      Action. He has wit, grit, and guts to take action where action is needed, leaving the opposition breathing the dust. While the opposition talks, he takes action to get things done. Since the opposition has no clue about his strategies and plans, all they can do is to go to the battle field, wonder what has happened and blow a lot of smoke.
4.      Business acumen. Have you ever seen a prosperous nation that is anti-business and against business profits? There is none. The prosperity of any society depends on the success of the business enterprises. America was long overdue for a president that is pro-business with deep knowledge of what it takes to build and run businesses. Trump has survived in an industry full of sharks so it is obvious that he has acquired some shark habits.
5.      Character. Character is Integrity plus courage. Integrity is doing what you promised, what you said you were going to do. Remember the promise of our previous president of uniting the nation and ended up doing exactly the opposite. Courage is the ability to act in the midst of any situation, no matter how difficult or fearful it may be. Strong character produces authority by taking responsibility and accountability for delivering results that were promised.
6.      Polarization. Leadership is always polarizing. If you need them, you cannot lead them.  The problem with many politicians is that they want to please everyone or to be disliked by no one. Remember how unpopular Lincoln was for standing firm on what he believed were the non-negotiables during his presidency? Lincoln stood resolute to abolish slavery and keep the union together (apparently some have not learned that lesson yet). Yes, Trump will build the wall!
7.      Vision. Make America Great Again. American is changing its course, thanks to an uncommon visionary, a somewhat of a lunatic man. He is going to lead America to uncommon prosperity, where America is not only respected but feared again around the world.

What amazes me is how many Americans want him to fail. While the left goons keep increasing their shenanigans, he keeps getting more popular and more people are moving to his camp.  Trump will go down in history as a great president, for pivoting the nation into a very prosperous future. I would rather have a president for blue-collar workers than one for the aristocratic elite, the educated derelicts, any time! 

Carlos Fontana

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Live an examined life

Here are 10 important things I learned in life:

1.       The first step to a great life is to respond to circumstances instead of reacting to them.
2.       A true friend is the one who tell me the truth with the intent to help me get better.
3.       When it comes to personal finance what really matters is what I do with what is left at the end of each accounting period.
4.       True fun in life comes when I practice creative leisure.
5.       The two biggest sources of wisdom are the Bible and Nature.
6.       People are attracted to socialism because it offers something for nothing.
7.       There was a price I had to pay for my freedom and now I see that price was well worth compared to the cost of mediocrity.
8.       The greatest bargain I ever got was to buy a book in 1992 for ten dollars.
9.       The world does not lack knowledge, it lacks truth and common sense.
10.   Just about everyone wants to lead yet few take the time to prepare for it.

I dare you to share it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Did you know this about the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church should publicize all the good it does around the world, since the media are only concerned with spreading pedophilia scandals (which certainly have to be and are being combated).


Many people do not know that the Catholic Church is the largest charitable institution on the planet. If the Catholic Church left Africa, 60% of schools and hospitals would be closed. When the AIDS epidemic broke out in the US and the authorities did not know what to do, the church nuns were invited to take care of the sick because no one else wanted to do so. In Brazil, until 1950, when there was no public health policy or government health assistance, it was the charity houses of the Catholic Church that looked after people who could not afford a hospital.

The Catholic Church maintains in Asia:
1,076 hospitals;
3,400 dispensaries;
330 leprosariums;
1,685 asylums;
3,900 orphanages;
2,960 kindergartens.

In Africa:
964 hospitals;
5,000 dispensaries;
260 leprosariums;
650 asylums;
800 orphanages;
2,000 kindergartens.

In America:
1,900 hospitals;
5,400 dispensaries;
50 leprosariums;
3,700 asylums;
2500 orphanages;
4,200 kindergartens

In Oceania:
170 hospitals;
180 dispensaries;
1 leprosarium;
360 asylums;
60 orphanages;
90 kindergartens

In Europe:
1,230 hospitals;
2,450 dispensaries;
4 Leprosy;
7,970 asylums;
2,370 kindergartens

Regardless of religion, it is necessary to recognize that the CATHOLIC CHURCH, criticized and judged for doing nothing, lives to help others. Do you know why it is being judged? No advertisement, because it is not a Catholic value to publicize charity. Only those who is part of the Catholic Church, know when the good it is being done.
