Friday, August 23, 2019

How far can they go?

The Democratic Party has gone so far to the left that it is falling of the cliff. The party has gone from the sky is falling to a doomsday cult party. Their members draw comfort from an apocalyptic view that proclaims the world is ending because of the conservatives. Imagine that! The conservatives are responsible for nonsense things like climate change. The climate has been and will continue to change. The love the last one where the Amazon is burning. Here is a little truth. The amazing burns every August and it has been doing it for thousands of years. The burning is part of natural cycle. I have been going there for 40 years. Now, the conservative president of Brazil is responsible for setting the Amazon on fire! The liberals and conservatives have diverged enormously in the last decade. To me it is crystal clear now which party is better to be associated with.

The liberals promise while the conservatives deliver
The liberals talk aloud while the conservatives quietly do 
The liberals seek applause while the conservatives seek contributions 
The liberals demand their rights while conservatives take responsibility 
The liberals focus on problems while the conservatives focus on solutions 
The liberals protest and occupy for equality while the conservatives thrive on opportunity
The liberals go for entitlements while the conservatives go for distinction based on merits 
The liberals criticize, complain and condemn while the conservatives accept, approve and appreciate 
The liberals see the world through victim lenses while the conservatives see the world through producer lenses
The liberals see their future smaller than the past while the conservatives see their future greater than their past

Carlos Fontana

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