Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Are You Struggling Financially?

Are You Struggling Financially?

Do you know why? The chief reason is the lack of financial literacy or the lack of knowledge about money. The financial system is rigged against the individual. How can we win a game we don’t know the rules to play and win the game? Here is why we are struggling:
1. Taxes. One third of the income goes to taxes (federal, state, local, sales, etc.).
2. Interest on debt. One third of the income goes to servicing the debt (house, car, cards, stores, etc.).
3. Inflation. Inflation is eating up the last third left to live on. Wages do not keep up with inflation (last 15 years wages have remained flat while inflation has gone up 40%).
No wonder most people are falling off a cliff with their personal finance. What is one to do under such dark picture? The answer is to become financial literate and an entrepreneur owing the right business. Making more money is not the answer. Don’t believe? Look at people that win the lottery or the retired professional ball players. For most of them money became a curse and not the solution.
What is your financial plan? Most people are counting on winning the lottery, getting an inheritance, or winning a lawsuit to get out of the financial mess they find themselves in. Chances are you will be struck by a lightning before straightening your finances.
The right question to ask is - do I have the right tools and the right coaching to become financially secure or financially free?
The only way to change our financial future is to change the financial decisions we make. Our financial picture will continue to be what it is until we change what it is. Think – if it is up to be it is up to me. Oh, one important thing – you must know where it is that you want to be. The penalty for not defining where you want to be is that you will never get where you want to go. I hope I got you thinking your financial future.
Let me know if you need help to get where it is that you want to go.
Be blessed and be a blessing to others. Carlos Fontana

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