Friday, August 26, 2016

Got real education?

What is real education?

Real education only comes when we learn from those that have results in life. School only helps us to succeed in school; self-education helps us to succeed in life. Our traditional educations system has become watered down and inadequate to prepare us to live a great life. From the beginning of time men and women that made the greatest contributions to humanity were involved in a great education, real education, and self-education.

1.    Discovering and staying in the path of knowledge and wisdom.
Discovering knowledge through the love for learning and wisdom through the application of knowledge.

2.    Learning with the purpose to prepare for what is to come.
Enduring the valleys of life and staying humble while at the peaks of life.

3.    Crystallizing our ideas, goals, and dreams.
Molding our attitudes so we can stay hungry forever.

4.    Developing our God-given skills and abilities.
Learning how to think.

5.    Managing our tensions and our resolving conflicts.
Internal tensions and external conflicts are crucial to growth and progress.

6.    Getting equipped to live a great life.
Defining and chasing our dreams.

7.    Discovering and practicing creative leisure.
Working, learning, and having fun at the same time.

What is holding you back from living the life you always wanted to live? A real education.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets.          

Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

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