Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lessons from the Cross

Yes, He has risen and conquered death. 

There is life after death just like there is spring after winter.

What lessons can we learn from His life, especially during His last few days?

My mother used to tell me that we all have our own crosses to carry. Boy isn’t that the truth? The choice is ours to be victors or victims from our struggles in life. There is no victory without struggle. The next time you face something that seems unbearable, stop for a minute, reflect, get some perspective, it could be the biggest blessing preceding the biggest victory of your life.

Here are 7 lessons we can learn from what happened 2,000 years ago:

1.       Our problem today is not lack of information; our problem today is lack of mental fitness, lack of emotional strength to endure the valleys of life.
2.       True victories only come after struggles. It takes vision, faith, and courage to understand what is happening as we go through our own crucifixion.
3.       We will reap the harvest as long as we endure our struggles and don’t give up.
4.       Suffering is a divine favor. Carry your own cross with grace for there will be immense rewards at the end. Yes, you will be tempted to quit. Quitters never benefit from their struggles.
5.       A life full of struggles is preferred over a life full of half struggles, the life of a quitter . Have you seen a statue raised for a quitter?
6.       Allow yourself to be led or be a follower as you go through the struggles. He conquered death to give us strength to conquer our struggles. Stay the course and know that it is ok to ask for help to carry your cross. Christ needed help too.
7.       Never believe experts who have not carried their crosses yet. If they have not been in the valleys of life, they may have little you can learn from.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)

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