Saturday, December 26, 2015

Com os olhos da minha irmã

Com os olhos da minha irmã

Ja li milhares de livros mas o livro Lucy de Lucy Kortz me prendeu a atenção com poucos outro livros. Todos deveríamos ler este livro, pois esta repleto de sabedoria em forma de historias com fatos verídicos de sua vida. Os relatos de Lucy Kortz são testemunho de uma vida cheia de obstáculos e conquistas onde a perseverança vence qualquer tipo de preconceito e dificuldade na vida, especialmente na vida de pessoas com necessidades especias, como na vida de uma cega. Lucy é um livro poderoso que transcende religião, cultura, línguas, profissões, etc. Tive a honra de conhecer Lucy Kortz no dia 21 de dezembro de 2015 em sua casa em Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Tivemos uma conversa muito boa junto com suas irmãs Wilma (também cega), Carmen e Noemi. Senti feliz em estar na presença de pessoas maravilhosas, cheias de alegria a paz. Obrigado Lucy, Carmen, Wilma, e Noemi por receber-nos (com a Cristina) em sua casa. Lendo o livro podemos tirar lições valiosas de um relato cheio de amor, fé e esperança. Recomendo que leiam este livro, Lucy. Aqui estão a 7 pérolas extraídas do livro.

1) Se apegue a Deus. Deus é verdadeiro; Deus nos protege e nos guia.

2) A felicidade vem da simplicidade. Aprenda a simplificar as coisas. O belo esta no simples.

3) Todo ser humano tem um valor inestimável. Todos fomos criados na imagem de Deus.

4) Fomos criados para viver em comunidade. Estamos aqui na terra para ajudar-nos uns aos outros.

5) A educação verdadeira vem da aplicação de princípios bíblicos. Como pais temos a obrigação de ensinar a nossos filhos os valores que vieram dos nossos antecedentes.

6) Todos devemos que deixar algo útil às gerações futuras. Todos temos uma história a ser contada para que sirva de testemunho de amor, fé e esperança aos outros.

7) Com Deus tudo é possível. Mesmo sendo cega Lucy consegue ver com os olhos da irmã Noemi e com sua mente. Lucy não só pode ver mas ter visão usando sua mente para criar um mundo maravilhoso ao seu redor e em todos os lados por onde andou.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Please share with others.  
Be blessed and be a blessing to others

Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

Friday, December 4, 2015

Are you one of them?

Are you one of them Rascals?

Safety is never found in mediocrity. Security is no longer where it used to be. Security is only found in our ability to learn, to change, and above all else, to perform. Rascal entrepreneurs are owners of the new economic age. It takes guts and courage to be a rascal. One must leave the past behind and sell out to a new future. The rascal entrepreneur is part of an elite group of warriors willing to go where others don’t dare to go, to the land of their dreams. So what are these rascals like, what are their traits that make them uniquely qualified to dominate the new economy?

1.    Their focus comes from their vision.
They know where they want to go. They have clear dreams and goals and are willing to sacrifice to achieve them.

2.    They play strong defense to protect their dreams and visions.
They prepare mentally. They are great simplifiers and know how to prioritize. They are often saying no to the good so they can pursue the great.

3.    They attach a business to their purpose and mission.
They are insanely passionate about who they are and what they do. They are dealers a bright future, enlisting others to be part of their mission and cause. They are community builders focused on improving the lives of those around them.

4.    They play by the rules until they create new rules.
They are work maniacs, seeking and banking on opportunities to innovate and grow. They adapt at a ferocious pace.

5.      They game plan then they work their plans.
They do what others aren’t willing to do and they do it well. Their strong discipline comes from a driven determination to win the games they play. They execute each task at hand like it is the last task they will perform in their life.

6.      They play strong offense.
They are guided by strong intuition. They see what others can’t see and are guided by inner wisdom from their strong sensory perceptions.

7.    They are mentally tough and resilient.
They are unwavering confident. They have thick skin. They are unpredictable because they are guided by radar that is on all the time.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Please share with others.  
Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."
I would love to do a podcast or a blog interview and share my Nuggets with your audience!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Why isn’t our economy stronger?

Why isn’t our economy stronger?

Is it due to lack of economic growth?
Is it due to lack of innovation?
Is it due to lack of good jobs?
Is it due to the lack of consumer spending?
Is it due to the lack of leadership in Washington?
Is it due to the lack of investing by the wealthy?
Is it due to the strong dollar?
Is it due to the domestic and world political instability?
Is it due to the lack business investment?
Is it due to lack of entrepreneurship?
Yes to all the above. However, could the following be the underlying reasons our economy not being stronger and growing?
1.      Debt load. A heavy debt burden by government, businesses, and consumers takes is taking its toll on economic growth. In the last 44 years, since 1971, the total debt by these three sectors (equally divided) has increased from 2 to 60 trillion.
2.      Demographics. The 76 million baby boomers drove the economy since they were in diapers. Boomers age aging and staring to put the brakes on their spending.
3.      Bureaucracy and regulations. Government and business bureaucracy is running rampant and stifling economic growth.
4.      Tax, tax, and more tax. The consumers are getting hammered by increased taxation and higher prices while wages are stagnant. Guess who pays for government debt? Consumers do via increased taxation. Guess who pays for business debt? Consumers do. Guess who pays for consumer debt? You know it.
5.      Lack of faith. There can be no growth and prosperity where there is spiritual poverty.
6.      Excess reliance on government. There can be no progress where there is way too much reliance on government.
7.      Lack of historical perspective. Economic lessons are always repeated when the lessons are not learned. We live in a world with very short memory thus repeating our mistakes. Imagine the blind leading the blind!

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Please share with others.  
Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."

I would love to do a podcast or a blog interview and share my Nuggets with your audience!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

All About Thinking

All about Different Thinking
Why not think like successful people do.
One thing about successful people is that they think different.
So what is it about their thinking that can help us to become better thinkers?

1.      Big thinking. Think big thoughts and cultivate big picture thinking.
2.      Engagement thinking. Think often and think focused thoughts.
3.      Exploration thinking. Think about all the possibilities around you.
4.      Question thinking. Question popular thinking. Think innovative thoughts.
5.      Reflective thinking. Learn from thinking. Reflection is one key to wisdom.
6.      Unselfish thinking. Be a prodigious and a generous thinker.
7.      Higher thinking. Think thoughts that really matter, elevated thinking.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Please share with others.  
Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."
I would love to do a podcast or a blog interview and share my Nuggets with your audience!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Your ship is not coming; you have to swim to it. Here are thoughts to jump start your own race towards your treasure island:

1.      Find your uniqueness and bank on it. 
           Your greatness is disguised in your uniqueness.
           Attach a business to your purpose.

2.      Decide to become the person you were born to be. 
           Have faith and demonstrate it. 
           Fill your brain with truth and action.

3.      Surround yourself with people better than you. 
           Yes, they are out there.
           They may just be waiting for the next hungry student.

4.      Someday does exist. 
           Start your race today. 
           Don’t be self-deceived.
           Pick your desired treasure and create mental images of them.

5.      Pile up skills instead of diplomas. 
           Start with communication skills. 
           Feed your entrepreneurial spirit.

6.      Read the right books. 
           Study them to find the knowledge you need.

7.      Have the right mentors. 
           Keep on examining your life to self-correct. 
           Reflect backwards; live forward.

Thank you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Please share with others.  
Be blessed and be a blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the book Follow to Lead

"The future belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are obvious."
"Those that take swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."
I would love to do a podcast or a blog interview and share my Nuggets with your audience!