don’t lack time and/or money, we lack priorities
don’t lack intelligence, we lack is faith
Correct thinking:
Faulty thinking:
Why aren’t we listening to Warren Buffet,
the greatest investor of all time? Buffet said - the more we learn the more we
earn. Playing defense is not enough to win the game of life; we must learn to
play offense and the rules of the game. What is not explicit in this simple
truth is the why, what, how, who, where,
and when of learning.
Learning for the sake of learning does not contribute
to our earnings. The big difference maker in the game starts with why – the learning must be intentional,
deliberate and purposeful, leading to the application of knowledge. The problem
with the information age is the excess of useless information. What
– getting the right information from the right sources, from those who have the
results in life we are looking for. What
– what community of learners can
I belong to so I can be part of the right mastermind group? Now more than ever
we must play in a great team. How – the
how always comes after the why; the multiple ways of learning. As Henry Ford
said, those who know how will work for those who know why. Who – who do I need to become? Be>Do>Have, not
Have>Do>Be. The world will tell you go the wrong way. We must rise above
the average if we want a shot to play and win the game. Where – where can I find a proven system filled with practical and
applicable tools, principles, methods and techniques to live they life I have
always wanted? Just like Buffet’s holding period for a financial investment, when or how long to learn, is forever, so start now.

Let me give you a perspective on why I
decided a decade ago to invest heavily in myself. I have said here before about
investing three times more time and money to feed my brain than spending them
into feeding my stomach. Let me break MYSELF
into 42 powerful questions. At first these questions will be greater than your
answers. Take the most important step, the first step, and answer the first
question today. Then, answer one question per day and in 42 days you will be a
different, better you. If you are an overachiever, go ahead and answer all the
questions. Be patient as you dig in deep into yourself. Perfection kills
production. Perfection is another word for procrastination. The exercise will
introduce you to you.
Keep in mind you don’t want balance in your life; you
want abundance. Abundance only comes from mastering the offense in the game. Build
yourself and your success will come. Prepare and your chance will come. Don’t dwell
or spend too much time in your past, dwell and focus instead on your future.
The exercise will help start decluttering the things that are distracting you. Answer
these questions and you will start your transformation journey immediately. This
will put some pressure on you and self-imposed pressure is good. Self-imposed
pressure will lead to some drama and it will stir your emotions. Stirring
emotions stir your soul and lead to massive action. Stop being a spectator in
life and start leading you. Spectator pay and leaders get paid. Warning!!! Thinking will be required. And,
you will be criticized for going against the grain. True wealth follows
excellence; it always has, it always will. Only the disciplined are free! May
217 be your best year yet!
1. M = ME
Who am I?
What is my identity?
Why I need to believe in
Why do I deserve to be
Why do I need to grow and
Why do I need to learn from
Why do I need to become a
better me?
2. Y = YES
What do I want to have in my live?
What do I see for myself in 5-10 years?
What human being do I need to become?
What is the legacy I need to leave behind?
Why do I need to commit to my own vision?
Why do I need to say YES to my dreams and my purpose?
Why do I need to say YES to self-knowledge and
3. S = SERVE
How can I be a role model to others?
Why do I need to serve other people?
Why do I need to care about other people?
Why do I need to be productive and positive?
Why do I need to become a great public speaker?
Why do I need to become a better communicator?
What is the value of me being a master communicator?
What do I need to practice?
When do I feel most
Why do I need to get into
Why do I need to produce
How can I be effective at
Why do I need to be a
problem solver?
Why do I need to pay
attention to my scorecard?
5. L = LEAD
What do I know about leadership?
Why is my character so important?
What does leadership mean to me?
What do I bring to the table as a leader?
When do I the leader achieve the best results?
Why do I need to build relationships with people?
Why do I always need to work on my foundational
6. F = FOCUS
Why do I need to be consistent?
Why do I need to have laser focus?
Why do I need a sense of urgency?
Why do I need to master self-discipline?
Why do I need to practice the right tasks?
Why do I need to be tenacious and persistent?
Why do I need to PDCA (plan, do, check, adjust)?
I cannot
change others but I can change MYSELF and that is way more than good enough!
Let me know how you enjoyed the exercise.
you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets.
Be blessed and be a
blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the
book Follow to Lead
"The future
belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are
"Those that take
swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."
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