Dream Story
is a story of Juan and Naomi Meléndez, owners of the Hacienda Tres Angeles, in
Adjuntas, Puerto Rico.

Hacienda Tres Angeles Tour represents the purest essence of the coffee
tradition. Surrounded by 100 acres of
premium coffee, the ranch offers visitors the true story that encloses a
steaming cup of coffee. The tour lasted
about 3 hours. The coffee tour started at the coffee field where we were be
able to learn about coffee growing methods and practices, market economy, bean
selection and history. At the end of the field tour, chased by a light cool
rain, we arrived at the "Beneficiado" or Coffee Mill where we learned
how the Meléndez process their coffee in the most modern ecological coffee mill
in Puerto Rico. We were able to see the roasting process in the Coffee Shop and
enjoy a delicious cup of Café. Along with the great coffee, Naomi served us
cakes, and there we were enjoying life and observing the beautiful mountains in
a wooden deck called the Visitors Center. We lived an unforgettable experience in
a natural environment with the Juan and Naomi. We were thankful being able to
live one of the most gratifying experiences in Puerto Rico! To know more about
their operation, please visit www.haciendatresangeles.com
Dreams do become reality. Naomi had a dream of living in a farm in Puerto Rico.
Naomi is descendent of Puerto Ricans and born in Manhattan, New York. She
worked as a phlebotomist in New York. Juan is a Purto Rican Mechanical
Engineer. Naomi was introduced to Juan by a friend. She smiles when she says
she got a bargain in Juan. They are now married with three girls and living
their dream in a coffee farm at the heartland, the high mountains of Puerto
Rico. They chased their dream of owning and operating a coffee farm. Now they
are living their dream.
2. You’ve got
to be crazy. Imagine knowing nothing
about coffee and telling your friends you are moving from New York to Puerto
Rico to run a coffee farm. Are you crazy? That is what most entrepreneurs hear
when they tell others what they are about to embark on. In a short two years,
with help from many, including the Puerto Rican Government, Juan and Naomi took
the crazy journey to make their dream become reality. Being in their presence, listen
to their story, and learn about their journey is an entrepreneur’s moment of
Attitude of gratitude. Juan started his explanations saying, what you see
here is a gift from God. We have all heard that faith can move mountains. The Meléndez
faith and attitude of gratitude became a blessing for the couple, their three
girls, their angels that gave the name to the Hacienda, and all those who visit
their farm.
4. Chasing the
dream. Imagine the obstacles they had
to overcome to get to where they are today. One can see in the demeanor the
love they display for who they are and what they do. Their attention to detail
and serve the visitors is something every human being should experience. They bought
the run down farm about two years ago and today give full employment for 15
people and part time to another 80 during the harvest season that starts in
August. Little by little they are improving their operation.
5. A business
attached to a purpose. The Meléndez’s
business was attached to their purpose of earning a living so they could raise
their three angels on a farm. Naomi drives the girls to schools, taking her 40 minutes
to cut through the mountains of Puerto Rico, to the coastal town of Ponce.
Succeeding at something that matters. Ideas
have consequences and dreams are real. Juan an Naomi chose to chase a dream
that matters a great deal; a dream that matters to them, their three girls,
their employees, and all those blessed by their giving hearts. Juan and Naomi
are not just in the coffee business, they are in the education business,
educating others about living a life of service and education to others.
7. Giving it
back to the world one coffee bean at a time. The Meléndez couple is an example of the entrepreneurial spirit that runs
through the veins of great entrepreneurs. Their enthusiasm is contagious. The love
they display is something we all can benefit from. Leadership is influence in a
positive direction. Juan and Naomi are already influencing many people around the
you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets. Share them with others.
We make a living by what we get;
we make a life by what we give. Be a giver in a world of takers.
Be blessed and be a
blessing to others.
Carlos Fontana, President of Phalanx
Co-author of the book Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being
a Great Follower)
Author of the book PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple
Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy
The Points You Have Mentioned Is Very Good And Encourage In Other Sense.It Gives You A Very Clear Idea What You Actually Wanted To Do Where You Find Passion. My Personnel View Is That Unless You Dont Love What You DO.. You Wont Get True Success.
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