The purpose of the 7 Daily Nuggets is
to teach us what we need to know to live a prosperous life; the things that we
may not have learned or are not currently learning in church, school, home or
at work. Let’s apply what we learn here and share these nuggets with others. We
make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give. Be a giver in a
world of takers.
Orrin Woodward has shown his genius
again as he shares his secrets on how to become an amazing mentor by first
being a great follower, never making excuses, and never giving up on your
dreams. His new book MENTORING MATTERS is a must read for those wanting to
develop leaders who develop leaders who develop leaders.
Orrin’s many books,
including the best sellers Launching a Leadership Revolution and
LeaderShift, are practical, easy to read, and loaded with nuggets of wisdom from
his experiences in developing leader after leader. Other great books by Orrin
Woodward include Resolved, and Leadership and Liberty. Orrin is a freedom
fighter, a beacon shinning light upon the leadership journey of thousands
of leaders around the world.

nuggets are inspired from Orrin Woodward's latest book, MENTORING MATTERS, from the LIFE Leadership
Essentials Series. There is no end when it comes to the influence a mentor can
have in your life.
What can a mentor do for you?
Questions. A great mentor asks you great questions. A
great mentor inspires you to ask the right question for yourself and those
around you.
A great mentor recommends great books for you to read. A great mentor inspires
you to read his own books so you can write your own book based on your
leadership journey.
A great mentor shares his wisdom with you. A great mentor inspires you to
acquire and apply knowledge to become wise.
Vision. A great mentor has a vision.
A great mentor inspires you to develop your own vision by thinking BIG.
A great mentor serves as the example for you to emulate. A great mentor
inspires you to be the example for others to follow.
A great mentor helps you to find and use your genius. A great mentor
inspires you to find the genius in others and help them to help others do the
A great mentor helps you to focus in the areas of your life that matter, where
better results are needed. A great mentor inspires you to focus on achieving
your goals and dreams.
Be a leader and leave a legacy. Our nation
needs more great leaders.
Be blessed and be a blessing to others.
Carlos Fontana, President
of Phalanx
Co-author of the book
Follow to Lead (The 7 Principles to Being a Great Follower)
Author of the book
PRICELESS (Sixty-Six Simple Stories of Reflection, Love, and Legacy)
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