the ends don’t meet
the ends are no longer meeting? Here is a healthy dose of brutal reality. People
are taxed until death, living a lot longer, and the government loves you for
that. Government officials are laughing all the way to their banks. You have
heard the saying that two things are certain, death and taxes; it is truer today
than ever before.
Increased Taxation. Since 1913 when the government got the power to tax citizens directly,
there has been a dramatic increase in the number and level of taxation. Income
tax (federal, state, local), property tax, sales tax, gas tax, energy tax,
communication tax, tax, tax, tax, …, and a lot more tax. When is it enough?
Never. Thank God there is an end to life; there is no end to taxation. There is
death tax too. As president Reagan used to say - there we go again! Change is needed, but before it happens, the
government by the elite for the elite, that are taxing their people to death,
must be dethroned.

2. Inflation. The hidden tax. Governments love inflation. Government
prints more fake money to keep more people in poverty. No wonder people are
struggling. In the last 15 years real wages real wages for Americans have gone
down 8% while the cost of staying alive went up 43%. Imagine losing half of
your purchasing ability in just half a generation. Our president just used
another executive order to give the military a 1.7% pay increase. The military raise is lower than the private
sector raise for the fourth consecutive year. Then, feels he is entitled to an
18% increase in his pay for perpetuity!
3. Debt and Interest.
When the ends don’t meet, banks have
a solution for you. Debt is now the modern,
voluntary form of slavery. Imagine the average person slaving away working
extra time, extra jobs, to service the debt. Instant gratification ends up
costing your freedom.
4. Increased
Life Expectancy and More Unhealthy Care. Technology is helping people live longer. No wonder the government
wants to control the healthcare industry as well. It is a monster industry. The
government is telling us that they know best how to care for us. If you buy
into that you definitely believe a crooked female politician ought to become
our next president.
5. Social
Insecurity and No Pension. Social
security and pensions were never created to be relied totally upon. Yet, the majorities of people believes and are
relying upon them. Government then created 401Ks and other retirement plans so
we can manage the money for them. Not so bad idea if you are the government and
the banks.
Re-tire! Retirement was created in the industrial age to
convince people to get into doing unpleasant jobs in exchange for a promise of
being taking care of in their golden years. The industrial age is gone, and with
it goes the retirement promise. Get used to the idea of never re-tiring. Learn
to do something you love, get good at it, and do it until the day you die; that way you will not have to get tired again! Get into creative leisure and
you will love what you become.

7. Solution - Entrepreneurship. Security is no longer where it used to be. Security
used to be found in a safe and secure job (where are they?), with great
benefits, with a great company that is loyal to its employees (got pink slip?).
Now is the time to wake up and smell, and drink, the coffee. Count on no one.
Invest in yourself. You are the best asset. Build the right kind of assets that
generate the right kind of income. Drastic global economic changes are coming. As
an entrepreneur you will be prepared to deal with the new reality. Despite all the above, the
burdens placed upon them, Americans are the greatest people on earth. Americans
refuse to give up. They continue to be inventive, tenacious, and ingenious to
build enterprises that benefit the world. Americans are who they are and
do what they do because the nation was created to be the greatest nation, a
land guided by Godly principles where anyone with a dream can achieve what they
set their minds and hearts to achieve, despite the hardships placed on them by
their own government. And that my dear reader is the chief reason why so many foreign
people want to come to America. America is a place where one can temporarily suspend
reality, dream big and still believe that things are possible and our Creator
is on our side.

When ends don’t meet we become
negatively stretched and stressed and energy is wasted. When ends meet we
tolerate life and settle for the mundane. When ends overlap we become strong
and free to pursue something much greater than ourselves.
you for reading and reflecting on today’s nuggets.
Be blessed and be a
blessing to others
Carlos Fontana
Author of the book Priceless, Co-author of the
book Follow to Lead
"The future
belongs to those who can see and pursue opportunities before they are
"Those that take
swift action will always leave those that don't breathing the dust."